AMIGO W3 POAP #2 image


POAPs Claimed
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Event description
Dear musicians and friends of the blockchain: 👉 They are being summoned to be part of the governance in the creation of the 1st family tree of Ibero-American Web3 music. Let's make this project a transparent footprint for the future of music on the blockchain. This POAP is the democratic result of the first working group. The step to continue obtaining this POAP #1: valid for a point and access ✨ POAP #1 access the Guild Discord, you must have this poap in your wallet. ✨ It is also used to vote in Snapshot, each POAP will have a different weight, that is why participation in the work tables is important. A guild or guild of builders of the new fully decentralized web3 music industry is being formed, where each member is the owner and sovereign having the same rights and commitments, it is not based on a hierarchical structure, and everything is under the control of its parts, Keep in mind that the more you participate, the more weight your vote has in decision making. Sincerely Crypto Music Records

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